Front Page

Ave Maria Garden「聖母花園」以社區關懷為中心,通過多樣化的花卉工作坊, 我們希望一些正被社會上邊緣化的群體, 藉著自己親手的創作 ,不僅重拾自信,提升生活質量,並嘗試建立人生目標,促進社會責任和團結精神。我們的目標,就是希望透過花卉,賦予一些正能量,並藉此宣揚信望愛的喜樂……

Ave Maria Garden centered our focus around community care and social responsibility through floral designs. By organizing a diverse range of flower workshops, we try to assist the marginalized communities not only to build their self-confidence but also enhance their quality of life and establish a renewed sense of purpose. Our mission is to promote positivity and build the Catholic values of Faith, Hope, and Love, through flowers….

作為一家註冊慈善機構(IRD #91/16140),我們對所有我們的支持者表達深深的謝意。我們確實需要您以不同形式的持續支持,不論是通過捐贈或活動的參與、 一個祈禱或是一個訊息的推廣和轉達 ,我們都由衷地感謝您……


Operating as a registered charity (IRD #91/16140), we express profound gratitude to all our supporters. We rely on your ongoing backing in various forms through donations. We are dedicated to empowering people in need, fostering their self-development and self-reliance.

As a registered charitable organization, contributions of HK$100 or over, a tax receipt can be provided. Please contact our office for further details.


WhatsApp:  +852 5931-1863