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Archive For The “News” Category

School/Parish Activities

School/Parish Activities

School activities organizing made easy! Ave Maria Garden supports a variety of workshops from open day, after-school activities, parent-teacher day/conference, and from class parties to graduation giftings – we can do it all! It is a great fundraising idea too. Take a look at our many happy moments here! We transform colourful things into a…

Host a Floral Party!

Host a Floral Party!

Want to make your big day extra special and memorable?  Book us for a private floral party, you and your friends will truly make a difference as the net proceeds from your event go directly back to the communities we serve! We’ll plan and coordinate everything you need to host a fun and meaningful party/event, including: Invitation…

Build Your Meaningful Spiritual Life

Build Your Meaningful Spiritual Life

 5 August 2018 was a special day for Catholic Church, as it was celebrating the birthday of Our Lady of Medjugorje and the Dedication of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, or Saint Mary Major, on a Lord’s Day (Sunday). What a great blessing from God that each of us can create our own Ave…

A Blessed Party by God Parent

A Blessed Party by God Parent

大家有沒有做代父/代母的經驗呢? ??‍ 相信大家都不否認要培育一個好孩子,父母比別人更有責任。聖洗聖事中,代父母的角色, 相信也有著同一個的承諾,以言語和榜樣去孕育愛主愛人的孩子,好能得到靈性上的協助。⛪? 看! Fiona Au 擔當了23個仔女代母的責任, 還定期舉行不同的活動,讓他們開心地走在一起??! 這天 聖母花園被邀請 為這一群代仔女舉行聖母花園植物工作坊???! 聖母花園姐姐們不辭勞苦,拖了大喼細喼,帶來不同的肉肉植物、 小蘑菇?、 花園圍欄、 小椅子、 當然少不了就是聖母花園裏的聖母媽媽啦!和小孩子一起親手建立他們的聖母花園, 不但讓他們與家長能夠時常得到聖母的護佑, 還直接地 培養了仔女的創意! 相信Fiona這一群仔女,相比起沒有信仰的兒童,身心靈也會得到特別滋潤,思考也會更正面,創意也會更豐富。 父母們也大可放心地他們能夠走向光明的道路了。? 感謝主,賜予我們聖母花園這一個使命,去服務天父的兒女。 讓我們大家一起努力吧! ????????? 大日子的慶祝其實可以更特別、更難忘….你下一個要慶祝的日子是什麼呢? Book Ave Maria Garden @ 5931-1863 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.663768203979666.1073741886.287228904966933&type=1&l=46bd70b7c0    

A Beautiful Connection @ Precious Blood Children’s Village

A Beautiful Connection @ Precious Blood Children’s Village

At Ave Maria Garden, there is always a way that you can work for God: being kindhearted and help out with your time and talents!This time, we went to the Precious Blood Children’s Village to start off the summer class program and the first art that we made is a flower crown! LOOK at all…



香港人的生活實在離不開快速、忙碌! 連續兩次到 #深水埗服務,與基層新移民的家庭 一起學習花藝 ! 我們透過上天給我們 漂亮的花兒 、柔和的音樂, 一起做漂亮的花卉 。小朋友也有另一角落, 自由玩耍, 媽媽也能夠更盡情去享受這一個活動帶來的休閒! 助人自助,我們義工都好開心呢! 這一個項目感恩有 Social Ventures Hong Kong #香港社會創投基金 慈善創投機構的協助, 透過舉辦不同的活動, 幫助社會上有需要服務的人士之餘,也讓不同人士有機會投入 #社會使命 的參與! Join us? Whatsapp +852 5931-1863   https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.633668980322922.1073741881.287228904966933&type=1&l=53d1d4f461

Stay Healthy & Happy As You Age

Stay Healthy & Happy As You Age

?? As you age, do you find there are still plenty of things that you really want to do but still can’t find a time to do it due to whatever reasons?  This day we came to  Tung Wah – Lo Wong Yuk Man Nursing Home, to hold a flower jamming workshop with the seniors???!At Ave…

Ave Maria Garden @ Conrad

Ave Maria Garden @ Conrad

It’s a honor for Ave Maria Garden for being invited to join one of the annual Prestige Summer Fair at Conrad Hotel, Hong Kong!  And this is truly a great way for the women whom we train and empower for putting their skills into practice, be it flower arrangement or facing the customers. At the same…

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