Not only it is good for the environment, at Ave Maria Garden, we create three other meaningful community services too!   We volunteer ourselves to train single parent/social subsidized families and offer them a chance with flower arrangement opportunities. This helps them regain the self-confidence and readiness of the daily life in the society both socially and economically. The re-purposed flowers will be sent to a hospital, nursing home, community center, church, or similar location, where we can cheer up the people who may need extra love and care! This also creates a good volunteering opportunity for our supporters too!  Isn’t it too good to be true?

As a flower donor, you may designate a recipient organization, or we help choose. A contribution to cover expenses will be appreciated, often a percentage of the flowers’ total value, toward van rental and low-income families who come to learn and serve. We also accept donated flower containers and vases. An all-inclusive program is provided for corporate that aims to support your social responsibility (“CSR”).

At Ave Maria Garden, works are always respected and people are loved.  Let us spread our love and kindness by sending flowers that we upcycle!

Email us when you know you will have a celebration and expect flowers can be donated to us for a good cause.  Contact us at or WhatsApp +852 5931-1863.

Have a look at our fun time here!