You'reAfter you receive your flowers, you can help your fresh flowers last longer by following these simple cut flower care guidelines.

  1. A floral life extender packet is typically included with your floral delivery. Just mix this into the water.
  2. Flowers stay fresher, longer when they can get a drink! Keep your vase filled with water!
  3. If your flowers came in a basket or other container with foam, add fresh water every day.
  4. Immediately remove any dead or dying flowers, leaves and stems from fresh flower arrangements.
  5. Watch your water. When it gets cloudy it’s time to change it out.
  6. For best results, cut stems with a sharp knife at an angle about one to two inches from the bottom. This allows them to better absorb water.

Knowing how to make your flowers last longer will add to your enjoyment of them, and will help keep them vibrant and long lasting.